
Healthy-as Curried Egg

Serves: 1

Seriously, I’m not entirely sure what possessed me to share this very last minute, made-up-on-the-spot-recipe, if not simply because I’d rather not forget it exists. As far as I am aware there are no rules for simplicity of recipes on blogs, so it seems I’m safe.

I have said this before and I’ll say it again. Curried eggs are OVERRATED! As a child, the curried egg sandwiches (complete with fluffy white supermarket bread and butter) were THE business. Moist, squeezing out the sides deliciousness. Strangely though they disappeared from my diet, along with Friday night fried dimmies (the treat when mum and dad went out), Kraft cheddar (heaven forbid) and what’s that processed meat roll called? The one we had with home made tomato sauce? I forget. Irrespective, curried eggs died an unjustified death with the rest of the processed rubbish that I (only occasionally) ate, as a treat. Shame.

Anyway, what was a very quick and easy lunch (above) was a total delight and I think it needs replicating (sans store bought mayo and any other nasties in sight).

You’ll need:
2 eggs, hard boiled, mashed up with a fork
1 heaped teaspoon Greek or natural yoghurt (I use five:am Greek)
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 pinch of salt

Mash up all the ingredients together and dollop onto your cracker, sandwich…whatever tickles your fancy. Enjoy.


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