'Feel Like a Real Chef for 5 mins' Salmon Stack

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

This little stack was born out of a decision to remove myself from the kitchen on a more regular basis and to slooooowwww down on the recipe book creativity front (pressure mounting just a little too much for a not fully recovered CFS’r). On this particular salmon stack day, I sat at my computer/on my couch listening to lectures and catching up on study all day. Given I’m forever in my kitchen these days, come dinner time my creative withdrawals were kicking in big time. I had a can of salmon sitting on the bench that wasn’t about to be simply strewn through a salad, no thanks!

Many of you would know by now that I am not a meticulous placer of food on a plate – certainly not to the point it is ordered and precise. I know I like a herb strategically placed on top (for the purpose of colour poppage) but typically I prefer my food to look a little less ‘fiddled with’. So this was an ‘outside of the box’ exercise for me.

You honestly won’t believe how simple this was and it really did only take about 5 mins (mind you I did have cooked peas in the fridge). It has SO much potential to get even more creative (which I intend to do for recipe book purposes) but this is a goodie because it’s totally uncomplicated and easy. Oh and if you’re planning on whipping up this little number to impress a certain someone, you will need to double the recipe, in case you hadn’t worked that out for yourself already.

You’ll need:
1/2 can very well drained wild alaskan salmon
A good squeeze of lemon
1 heaped teaspoon additive/sugar free mayo (mine is homemade)
1/2 chopped tomato
Approximately 1/3 cup cooked peas
1/4 avocado
2 pinches of chilli flakes (optional)
Salt & pepper

And this is all you do. Mix the salmon, lemon, one pinch of chilli, mayo and salt and pepper in a bowl. Place half the salmon mixture in a cookie cutter, pushing it down quite firmly. Top that with the tomato, then most of the peas followed by the rest of the salmon. This took me to the top of my cookie cutter so I had to stop there. Lift the cookie cutter up gently. Slice the avocado and place on top (very gently!). Finish off with a sprinkling of chilli flakes and the remaining peas.

The addition of fresh herbs would be awesome in this – chop up some dill and mix it through the salmon mix, and some parsley. Yummo.


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