Egg Salad Wrap

I honestly think the one meal I miss the MOST since being diagnosed with a wheat intolerance about seven years ago is a beautiful fresh salad roll or sandwich. The whole combo of fresh multi-grain bread and beautiful fresh salad (and ham off the bone if at Christmas time) was hard to beat. But when ingredients are omitted from your diet there is always a silver lining…if you just take the time to think outside the bread bin/box. I have become very sensitive to my body’s daily fuel requirements and it’s clear to me that I need good quality protein in at least two of my meals each day. Eggs (or ‘magic bullets’) and I have a very close relationship and are my very favourite protein source. So I would like to share the recipe for my anti-bread salad wrap. Don’t blink or you really will miss it.

Give two eggs a really good whisk or beat. Finely chop a heaped teaspoon of parsley and mix into the eggs with a little salt and pepper. Heat oil (I use coconut oil) in a small omelette pan. Once the pan is hot pour in the eggy mixture and whirl it around the pan. As the edges are just drying, with your spatula drag the mixture into the centre allowing the wet egg mixture to fall to the sides. Do this around the pan until it looks almost cooked. Then flip the omelette over and cook the other side, for about 1-2 minutes. Turn onto a plate and lay along one end your chopped salad ingredients. Then very carefully roll your wrap up, cut in half and hey presto – an eggy wrap!

You can add whatever salad ingredients you like but I suggest the following are essential additions: chopped cherry tomatoes, avocado, herbs (heaps and any!), rocket or spinach.

Enjoy x


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