A 'Softer' Take on My Original Green Juice

Makes: 1.5 serves

Hello on this magical Christmas Eve! I hope everyone is having a wonderful festive season with your family and loved ones.

How are those digestive systems and livers faring I wonder? I will hazard a guess and say there’s a whole lot of “oh ok, I’ll have another one, it’s Christmas after all” or “yeah go on, it’s just one day of the year that I let loose” – don’t worry, I know how it goes! And in fact, I am about to have my second alcoholic drink for the month of December (in the form of a glass of champagne) because it’s Christmas Eve and there’s not much better an excuse as far as I’m concerned. Bring the bubbles on.

I am no purist. I don’t try and be 100% of anything – what I try and do is listen to my body and feed it, intuitively. The same goes with alcoholic drinks. For the whole month of December my body has rejected the idea of a glass of wine (honestly, if you knew me just three years ago you would struggle to imagine the possibility of that). I had a glass of wine early December (against my body’s wishes and most importantly my intuition) and spent the next two days nauseas and peaky. That was followed with a minor 7 day relapse. I mean, honestly. That week I seriously wondered if I was in fact a sandwich short of a picnic.

Back to purity though. I try and sit around the 90/10% rule. 90% of the time I’m really good, 10% of the time I’ll waiver (baring in mind that I have little choice around that 90%, I have a compromised immune system that needs a LOT of TLC). During those times I waiver I very consciously try and add in extra goodness into my diet. A glass of alcohol depletes us of much needed nutrients, a sugary fix compromises our immune system. So my answer to that? Show your body some love. And one of the best ways to do that is through a green juice with immediately available nutrients readily absorbing into the bloody stream.

You’ll need:
2 celery stalks
1 clove garlic
1 big knob ginger
1/2 lebanese cucumber
4 lettuce leaves
1/2 lemon
A big handful of mint

Throw all of the above in the juicer and hey presto. An instant energy boost for a sluggish, compromised system.

I say this is a ‘softer’ take because there is no dark green, leafy veg such as kale, silver beet or spinach. These are soooo very good for you but if you’re warming up to the whole green juice idea add them in slowly.


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